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Dr. Colin Ohrt

Executive Director


Our vision: Every child should be happy, healthy, safe, and provided the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Our mission: To positively impact health, poverty, education, and related issues.


Consortium for Health Action:  Health-Action was founded as a 501(c)3 in 2016 in Minnesota, USA, and since in Cambodia and Vietnam.  Our initial mission was to do simple things better at scale to eliminate malaria "East of Bangkok."  For the last two years, we have been studying the challenges with childhood development and realized this is a massive unmet public health need.  Unlike malaria today, there are almost no resources and we can have a big impact!


Our next initiative is called “Help Children Develop Worldwide.” The two major components are and early intervention for children with developmental delays and ESL teaching for those in need.   We sincerely hope our work will benefit millions of children in Vietnam and around the world.


Our origins:  I, the founding director, am a researcher and a public health physician with a passion to “give back.”  I visited Tanzania as a college student.  I learned millions of children were dying from chloroquine-resistant malaria that originated in Cambodia.  I spent a career in the US Army developing solutions for malaria. After 22 years, I retired and returned to SE Asia to stop the new multidrug-resistant strains again threatening Africa. While on the Cambodia-Vietnam border in 2018, we learned our first child had autism. I returned to Vietnam to understand how to best help my sons. Now our family wants to widely share what we have learned


See our Concept Note:

Help Children Develop Worldwide





Our Key Documents

Concept Note, US 501(c) 3 Approval, Consulate Proposal

Our Financial Statements

 IRS 2017, 2018, 2019

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